Just been told it's ok to let others know. The secrecy was to avoid the project being swamped with requests!
On Thursday 29th April I received an innocuous text from Corrine saying she had given my name to Sally Worrel from PAS and that Sally would be in touch. Thinking it was probably to do with lead bag seals I pondered no more on it as I was up to my eyes in my son's wedding that weekend and it was not until the following Monday that Sally managed to get hold of me. After a hectic few weeks culminating in a wonderful family get together we were feeling a bit flat so a request to spend a week in Italy metal detecting on a new archaeological dig with hotel and food supplied was just what was needed! In the interests of saving my marriage my wife was invited along too.
So here I am about to be the first (as far as I know) detectorist ever to be invited to join an archaeological dig in Italy ten miles east of Rome investigating the ancient city of Gabii. See the Gabii Project website.
As I'll be doing the top soil it will probably be a case of removing all the ring pulls and silver foil for the guys who follow me but just maybe something like the Republican Denarius pictured above that I found near my home town of Colchester will turn up! - PAS ESS-8EA350
Good luck and can't wait for the first pictures.